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Delivered From Hopelessness

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Exploring the redemptive bond between the Passover and the Lord's Supper.

Text: Ex. 11:4-7
Date: 11/10/2019, the Contemporary service.
Series: "The Kingdom Feast" Part 5

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On the night He was arrested, Jesus observed the Passover meal with His disciples and instituted the Christian sacrament we call "The Lord's Supper". But what was the significance of the original feast? Is their a connection between the Passover and our relationship with Christ as expressed in the sacrament of Communion? We will explore this profound subject by focusing on just two words: hopelessness and deliverance. For both the Passover and the Lord's Supper were designed to commemorate times in Redemptive History when these two ideas were being realized. In this message, we will compare both the hopelessness and deliverance of the Children of Israel (as seen through the eyes of a young boy) during the time of the Exodus, and our own hopelessness and deliverance as sinners saved by the sacrificial Crosswork of Christ. Ultimately, the objective of this message is to heighten our sense of reverence, awe and appreciation as we approach the table of Communion as those who have been delivered from utter hopelessness.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Ex. 11:4-7.
A. The hopelessness of slavery.
1. The hopelessness of the Children of Israel.
a. The hopelessness of bitter bondage.
i. Introducing Joel.
ii. The hopelessness of hard labor.
iii. The spiritual hopelessness, Ex. 2:23-25.
b. The arrival of the deliverer.
i. Introducing Moses.
ii. From bad to worse, Ex. 5:2,6-9, 6:9.
iii. The impact of the 9 plagues.
iv. Reaching the depths of hopelessness, Ex. 11:4-6.
2. The hopelessness of fallen humanity.
a. Making the connection, Luke 12:4-5.
b. Slavery to sin, John 8:34, Rom. 3:23, Eph. 2:1, Rom. 1:18, 2:5.
c. Utter hopelessness, John 3:20, 36.
B. The glory of deliverance.
1. The deliverance of the Children of Israel.
a. The reason for deliverance, Ex. 11:7, 19:5, Deut. 7:7-8.
b. The method of deliverance, Ex. 12:21-27.
c. The explanation of deliverance, Ex. 12:11.
i. God's wrath is just.
ii. The vital difference, Ex. 12:12-13.
iii. The necessary substitutionary atonement.
2. The deliverance of the guilty.
a. Deserving of God's wrath, Rom. 3:10-18.
b. Saved by God's grace, John 1:29, 1Cor. 5:7.
c. Putting the Passover into perspective.
i. Hopelessly in bondage to sin.
ii. Chosen by the Father, 1Pet. 2:9.
iii. Regenerated by the Spirit.
iii. Delivered by Christ, John 1:12-13.
iv. Perfect righteousness.
v. The Wedding Feast of the Lamb, John 14:1-3, Rev. 19:9.
III. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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