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Sermon Title: If You Would Only Listen; Luke 3:7-9

"Listening to John the Baptist's stern warnings of impending judgment, and the dangers of entitlement."

Recorded on: Sunday, 07/11/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 7/11/2021. As Luke prepares to introduce the ministry of Jesus, he begins by revealing the prophetic ministry of John the Baptist. He has all ready told us that John proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. But now he reveals the nature of that repentance and the danger of entitlement. He sternly warns the crowds coming to be baptized that hypocritical religiosity and a false sense of covenantal security does not replace what his baptism represents-- true repentance and belief in God's Messiah. As a prophet, John's words are jolting and abrasive, and by today's standards, extreme and "politically incorrect". We will ask ourselves why God warns His people so harshly of their impending judgment and how preachers, both ancient and modern should present these truths to the "crowds" who listen. Ultimately, we will realize that regardless of the harshness of the message, and the sternness of the messenger; the clear purpose and desire of the warning is the salvation of your soul-- if you will only listen!