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Sermon Title: Worshiping the Lord of the Sabbath; Luke 6:1-5

"Realizing the joy and privilege of a Christ-centered Sabbath!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 01/09/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 01/09/2022. Having clearly defined that the Good News of the Kingdom of God was the New Wine of Redemption that could not possibly fit within the framework of a religion like Judaism, Luke goes on to give us a profound illustration. Other than His claim to be the Messiah, there was no confrontation that caused more anger among the Pharisees than Jesus' position on the Sabbath. It struck at the very heart of their legalistic religion of human achievement. The Pharisees had created so many rules surrounding the Sabbath that the original joy of worship was virtually lost. Jesus has come in part to restore that joy and reveal that to truly worship God on the Sabbath was one of the greatest privileges that any human being can have. We will explore both the ridiculous nature of the accusations the Pharisee "achievers" are making, and then put it in the context of the Old Testament example of David and the Bread of the Presence. Ultimately we will realize that the true heart of the Sabbath is the loving desire to "feast with our Bridegroom" and enjoy the privilege of worshiping the Lord of the Sabbath in a way that only a redemption of divine accomplishment can afford!