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Sermon Title: Hungry, Weeping-- and Blessed!; Luke 6:21

"Finding the Gospel in the Beatitudes."

Recorded on: Sunday, 02/20/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 02/20/2022. As we continue to study Luke's version of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reveals His second and third Beatitudes. We learned last week that a beatitude is the pronouncement of a state of divine blessedness that transcends current circumstances. In the first beatitude, we learned that spiritual poverty is actually a blessing when it leads us to recognize our need for a Savior. In this lesson we will find similar principles in those who hunger and those who weep. Once again, the answer to the riddle will be in the spiritual application. Those who are truly blessed will hunger for a relationship with God and His righteousness. Likewise, those who are truly blessed will be mortified and weep over their transgressions against the God they love. After we identify these terms, and the profound necessity and intensity represented in them, we will consider the eschatological blessings which exist both in the "here and now" and the "not yet". Ultimately we will recognize the Gospel in its simplest and yet most profound form in the words of Jesus, and realize that contrary to the understanding of the world we live in, it is a glorious thing to be hungry, weeping-- and blessed!