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Sermon Title: Kingdom Weal and Worldly Woes, Part 2; Luke 6:24-26

"Analyzing the woes of a hedonistic lifestyle."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/13/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 03/13/2022. After presenting four Beatitudes that express the state of blessedness of those who are redeemed by the grace of God, Luke alone among the Gospel writers offsets them with four corresponding woes. Each one of these woes expresses the opposite situation-- the state of cursedness of those who reject Jesus and fill their lives with the idols of the fallen world. As we did with the Beatitudes, we will carefully evaluate each statement, realizing that Jesus is once again speaking spiritually using physical and material illustrations. Ultimately, we will consider these woes as they apply to Christians, and analyze and lament the devastating consequences when the church loses its focus and exchanges Kingdom Weal for Worldly Woes! This is the second of three sermons on this passage (originally written as one), focusing on the woes of a hedonistic lifestyle.