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Sermon Title: When Resurrection Destroys Destruction!; John 2:19

"Celebrating the Resurrection: when God's Redemption meets Man's Destruction."

Recorded on: Sunday, 04/17/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 04/17/2022. There is one word that rightfully dominates our conversation on Easter Sunday morning, and that is the word "Resurrection". Because, indeed we traditionally gather on this Sunday to celebrate the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave. Jesus makes that clear in our text for this morning. But He also implies several other words that are essential for truly understanding why the Resurrection is so significant-- words like: "Destruction, Temple, Redemption, Forgiveness, Righteousness, Restoration, Reconciliation, and Relationship". We will consider all of these words this morning and how they go together to describe God's glorious plan of redemption and why it was absolutely necessary. Ultimately we will discover that no matter how desperately humanity has attempted to destroy its relationship with God, the Resurrection shows us how Christ destroys man's destruction!