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Sermon Title: Motives of Reciprocity; Luke 6:32-36

"Exploring the all-important role of "motives" in the relationships, actions and emotions of Kingdom Ethics."

Recorded on: Sunday, 05/01/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 5/1/2022. As Jesus continues to reveal the ethical standards of the Kingdom of God in His epic Sermon on the Mount, He progresses to the hugely important but often overlooked subject of "motives". He will ask those who would follow Him as disciples to consider the intentions of their hearts-- why they do what they do! In other words, if we form relationships, do good deeds and share love and compassion with others expecting something in return, are we any better than the "noble pagan" who outwardly does the same? Ultimately we will determine the one true motive that drove Jesus' life and teaching and should be the goal of every Christian-- to do all that we do for the Glory of God and not the motives of reciprocity!