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Sermon Title: Exploring Kingdom DNA; Luke 6:37-38

"Jesus identifies essential Kingdom traits inherent in our "Kingdom DNA"."

Recorded on: Sunday, 05/08/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 05/08/2022. As Luke continues to take us through Jesus' epic Sermon on the Mount, he delves deeper and deeper into Kingdom ethics and the essential attributes Jesus' disciples will need as they help usher in the Kingdom of God. In our text for this message Jesus uses four imperatives to further reveal how His followers can reflect His own nature and thereby the very nature of His Heavenly Father. Because of the wording of the statements and their misuse and misinterpretation by the culture, we will be careful to analyze each one in order to clearly understand what Jesus is and is not saying. Ultimately we will discover that He is revealing behavior that should be intrinsically embedded in the very fiber of the born again Christian-- so deeply that it is rooted in their "Kingdom DNA".