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Sermon Title: Only Follow A Follower!; Luke 6:39-42

"Jesus emphasizes the importance of only following leaders who are following Him."

Recorded on: Sunday, 05/15/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 05/15/2022. As we continue to make our way through Luke's version of the Sermon on the Mount, we will pay particular attention to the way he has organized the teachings of Jesus. After discussing Kingdom Ethics, pure motives, and the evils of judgmentalism, Jesus turns His attention to the kind of leaders His disciples should be. In three short segments, Jesus addresses some of the essential aspects of Kingdom Discipleship that His Apostles will need as they head out to establish the foundation of the Christian church. He warns them of the danger of following or being false teachers, of straying from the doctrines He has taught them, and of self-righteous pride in their shepherding of other disciples. The key to effective leadership within the Kingdom of God is to follow closely the life and teachings of its King! We will analyze all these teachings and boil them down to a simple yet profound statement for today's Kingdom-Disciples: "Only follow a follower!"