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Sermon Title: Seeking Kingdom Discernment; Luke 6:43-45

"Learning to discern the nature of the "tree" by its "fruit"."

Recorded on: Sunday, 06/05/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 6/5/2022. After warning His disciples of the dangers of straying from the words, doctrines and principles He has taught them, Jesus now shows them how to identify false teachers and their teaching. Using a simple analogy of fruit trees and thorn-bushes, He makes the point that the condition of the heart is revealed by the nature of the words and spiritual fruit that pour forth from it. We will analyze these sayings, and explore what makes one heart "good" and another heart "evil" by looking at the core Christian doctrines of justification and regeneration. But that leads us to the poignant question of how the Kingdom-Dweller will know the difference. The answer, both for ourselves and those we listen to, will reveal the necessity for disciples to constantly seek out the truth by analyzing the "fruit" and using Kingdom Discernment.