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Sermon Title: Standing Against the World Part 2; Luke 3:15-20

"Learning from John the Baptist, that to stand for the truth is to stand against the world!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/01/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 08/01/2021. This is the second part of what has become a three-week series on the positive example of John the Baptist. By looking at the life and words of John the Baptist, we will gain valuable insight into what it means to be Christ-like in our own lives and ministry. Last week we analyzed the humility of "the greatest man born of woman". This week we will analyze his truthfulness, and realize that by standing for the standards of the Kingdom, he stood against the prevalent religious and social standards of his day. We will make the same argument for Christians today-- that if we are to stand firm on the doctrines of Scripture, we will by necessity have to stand against the corruption of those doctrines by the culture around us-- but especially by what we will call "modern Christendom". Ultimately we will realize that like the saints who have gone before us-- if we boldly stand for truth, will find ourselves standing against the world.