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Sermon Title: The Cost of Communion; Luke 6:46

"Considering what it means to approach the Lord's Table."

Recorded on: Wednesday, 06/15/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 06/15/2022. After poignantly establishing that souls are either good or evil, and that their nature can be determined by their fruit-- Jesus addresses the idea of hypocrisy. His probing question unmasks the hypocrites who would present themselves as disciples, but fail to prove it through absolute obedience. Although Jesus is speaking of discipleship in general, on this Communion Sunday we will discuss this vital concept in the light of those who approach the Lord's Table. We will ask questions like: "What does this sacrament actually mean?" and "What are those who take it professing about their relationship with Jesus?" Ultimately, we will find that just as there is a cost to discipleship, there is also a cost of Communion. In other words, this sacrament, designed exclusively for Jesus' disciples, must only be taken by those who can truly say, "Lord, Lord"!