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Sermon Title: Bearing The Fruit of Souls; John 15:12-16

"Jesus interlaces love, friendship and the evangelistic mission of the Kingdom."

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/18/2019 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 08/18/2019. Having finished His epic allegory of the Vine and the branches, Jesus continues to instruct His disciples in the Upper Room discourse. His discussion turns to love, friendship and the mission of the Kingdom. The well-known themes of mutual love within the body and obedience to His commands are repeated and expanded. But at the same time, several new ideas are introduced, as Jesus defines what it means to be His friend, and bear evangelistic fruit for the Kingdom. As we explore these new ideas, we will notice once again John's strong predestinarian bent and his emphasis on the preeminence of Christ. But ultimately we will realize that to be Jesus' friend and truly "love one another", includes the selfless search and rescue of those who are still lost in darkness, and thereby find and bear the fruit of souls.