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Sermon Title: Rejecting Revelation; John 15:21-25

"Realizing the danger of rejecting the Light of God\'s Revelation."

Recorded on: Sunday, 09/15/2019 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 09/15/2019. Jesus continues to prepare His disciples for His departure by revealing to them how the world will treat them once He is gone-- they will hate them just as they have hated Him. He explains how extensive this hatred will be-- born of ignorance and grounded in their hatred of God Himself. But He will also make it clear that the world's rebelliousness is not because of the lack of revelation. On the contrary, in both His Words and His Works, Jesus has revealed the Light of God and the path to salvation. He makes it clear that the rejection of the blessing of revelation is a serious sin, for which all who receive it are culpable. Ultimately we will come to the realization there is supreme danger for believer and unbeliever alike when we reject or ignore the Light of God's revelation.