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Sermon Title: Facing Kingdom Woes; John 16:1-4

"Revealing the vicious attacks of evil on the Kingdom and how to face them."

Recorded on: Sunday, 09/29/2019 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 09/29/2019. In the last lesson, Jesus described a glorious Kingdom Alliance consisting of the Holy Spirit and the church, that would continue the proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom and carry the church forward into the Gospel Age. But in this lesson we learn the reason Jesus revealed that alliance in the midst of a discussion about hatred. The Kingdom Alliance will be brutally attacked by the forces of evil in a maniacal attempt to destroy it and stop the spread of the Gospel. In these verses, Jesus describes the nature, the reason, and the implied satanic origin of these Kingdom Woes. But as all things that God touches, there is good that will come of the evil. For it will serve to drive us to the understandingo of how desperately we need Jesus, and that our only safety and hope of success is to stay closely aligned with our all-powerful Ally, the Spirit of Truth!