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Sermon Title: Wrapped in Splendor; John 17:1

"Introducing the glory of the \"High Priestly Prayer\"."

Recorded on: Sunday, 01/05/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 01/05/2020. As soon as Jesus finished His Upper Room Discourse, He launched into what is known as His "High Priestly Prayer". We will explain why it is called that in this introductory message focusing on just the first verse. Although there are aspects of this prayer we can emulate, it stands as a majestic and unique prayer between the Son and the Father of the Triune God, and is therefore a window into their relationship. We will wrestle with-- but hopefully come to understand, the paradox of how the Cross brought glory to both Jesus and His Father. Ultimately we will soar with the beauty of these high and lofty words and thrill to the knowledge that Jesus has brought glory to His Father and at the same time, wrapped all who call Him Lord in the splendor of His holiness.