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Sermon Title: Rebekah's Veil; John 17:2-5

"How Jesus glorifies Himself and His Father by fetching His Bride and filling Heaven with spiritual children!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 01/12/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 01/12/2020. As Jesus commences His High Priestly prayer, He asks for His own glorification so that the Father likewise will be glorified by His work while on earth. In doing so, He maps out His entire sojourn on earth and the reason for that visit-- to find and fetch His Bride (the church) and purify her so that He can take her back to present her to His Father. As we analyze the words of His prayer, we will find them full of deep Theological principles, (like divine authority, saving knowledge, and eternal life). To help make this clear, we will illustrate the redemptive work of Christ with a fanciful (but biblically-based) story about a prince and his "less-than-worthy" choice of a bride and how that bride was made acceptable to the high standards of the prince's father (the king). Based on the stories of Rebekah and the "woman at the well", we will create a symbol out of Rebekah's veil representing the righteousness of Christ-- a righteousness that is absolutely necessary for sinners like us to be made acceptable to His Father. With this symbolism in mind we will realize the vital and eternal importance of standing before the judgment seat of God, wrapped in "Rebekah's veil".