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Sermon Title: Overcoming the Joy-Snatchers; John 17:13

"Learning to identify and \"emancipate\" the joy of Christ."

Recorded on: Sunday, 02/09/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 02/09/2020. After fervently praying that His Father would keep His disciples in His name, Jesus now asks for them to be gifted with His joy. We will first discuss what He means by "my joy" and then explore how it is fulfilled in both the disciples and the church. After reminding ourselves that whatever Jesus prays for will necessarily be granted by the Father, we will wrestle with the fact that joy is either missing or artificially manufactured in so many churches and Christians today. We will realize that the joy Jesus speaks of is given freely to all who truly believe in Him; and therefore, if the church is joyless, it is because the invasive "world" is incessantly working to snatch that joy away. Ultimately we will discuss how we as individual Christians and as the church can "liberate" the joy of Christ and thereby overcome the "joy-snatchers".