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Sermon Title: Sojourners in the Sewer; John 17:14-16

"Emphasizing the importance of the Word of God as the church battles the spiritual darkness of the world."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/01/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 03/01/2020. As Jesus continues to pray to His Father on behalf of His disciples, He prays specifically that they will be protected from the evil one during their sojourn in the darkness of the world. This brings fresh perspective to His "sojourn of glory" and His plans for the disciples after He leaves. Yes, He has taken them to be His symbolic bride (the church); and yes, through His Crosswork He has sanctified them to be presented to His Father. But rather than sweeping His Bride to heaven with Him when He leaves, He purposely leaves her behind in the putrid spiritual sewer of this world. In this message we will delve into the reason for this surprising plan and emphasize the importance of the weapon He has left them with-- the "sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God". For this Word will be vital if the disciples and all who follow them are to complete their essential task during their time as sojourners in the sewer!