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Sermon Title: The Word of Truth; John 17:17

"Recognizing the Word as the ultimate source of absolute Truth."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/08/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 03/08/2020. In His High Priestly prayer for His disciples, Jesus continues to emphasize the importance of the Word of God. As He prepares them for His imminent departure, He knows He is leaving them in the midst of a wicked and hostile world. For their protection and edification (and to insure the success of their mission), He has given them the Word His Father gave Him. This Word is the topic once again of our discussion. In this message we will focus entirely on Jesus' profound claim that the Word of God is Truth, and therefore the standard of objective truth that all other truth claims must be judged against. Ultimately we will consider some examples of hotly debated truth-issues from our culture today and compare them to the Truth of Scripture. In doing so, we will find that based on Jesus' words, the search for Truth ends when we turn to its only absolute source-- the Word of Truth.