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Sermon Title: Into His Marvelous Light; John 17:17

"Celebrating what it means to be \"sanctified in the truth\"."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/15/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 03/15/2020. At the heart of the Gospel is the idea of being saved out of the spiritual darkness of our sins, and ultimately out of condemnation in Hell. But too often that remains our focus and not what we have been saved "to": a new life with Christ; a life of obedience and discipleship. As Jesus continues His High Priestly Prayer, He prays His disciples will be "sanctified in the truth". We will discuss the way He uses the word "sanctified" and how this consecration is a twofold process. He does not just pray that His disciples will be set aside for the purpose He has for them-- but that they will be set aside in the truth. After reviewing what this truth is and where it can be found, we will celebrate our own sanctification, and the fact that we as Christians are consecrated for our Lord's use "out of" the darkness and "into" His marvelous Light.