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Sermon Title: Gazing Upon His Glory; John 17:24.

"Finding comfort and strength in the glorious future Jesus has prepared for His church."

Recorded on: Sunday, 04/05/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 04/05/2020. In our single verse for this study, Jesus reaches perhaps the pinnacle of His High Priestly Prayer as He prays for all who truly believe in Him to be gathered with Him to see His glory. We will analyze the deeply reassuring and exalted language Jesus uses and what it means for the church. But in the end we will take comfort in the fact our Lord has prayed so fervently for us to be with Him, where He is, and gaze upon His glory. Few more glorious words have ever been spoken-- words that are sorely needed at a time when such trouble and uncertainty grip the world. So take heart Oh Christian! Find comfort and strength in the glorious future and destination your Lord has planned for you-- to spend eternity gazing upon His Glory!