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Sermon Title: Apostlers of the Righteous Father; John 17:25-26

"Celebrating what it means to be known, loved, and sent by the \'Righteous Father\'."

Recorded on: Sunday, 04/19/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 04/19/2020. As Jesus comes to the end of His High Priestly Prayer, He asks the Father to endow His disciples (and through them the church) with two great gifts: that they would truly know the Father as both loving and righteous; and that they would share and reflect the love the Father has for the Son. We will attempt to scratch the surface of these amazing and glorious requests and recognize them as marks of the gift of true belief. But wrapped around this great revelation is the concept of "apostling", and how Jesus intends to spread His Gospel throughout a dark and recalcitrant world. We will analyze this crucial process as we recognize and accept the call of our Lord to be "apostlers" of the Righteous Father.