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Sermon Title: The Shepherd in the Garden; John 18:1-11

"Jesus as the Good Shepherd, faces evil and protects His flock in the Garden of Gethsemane."

Recorded on: Sunday, 04/26/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 04/26/2020. With the magnificent High Priestly prayer behind us, John begins His narrative of the events surrounding Jesus' final hours leading up to the Cross. We will pay special attention to what John includes and what he leaves out-- choosing to pass directly from the prayer to the confrontation with the mob sent to arrest Him. What a contrast! From the mountain top to the sewer, as Jesus and His disciples face "the world". We will once again see Jesus as the Good Shepherd, protecting His flock both physically and spiritually, and insuring that they remain in the world to complete their task. We will take comfort as John presents Jesus as Prophet (who knows exactly what will happen), as Priest (who willingly sacrifices Himself for His disciples) and King (who never for a moment loses sovereign control). But especially we will triumph in the image of our fearless Shepherd in the Garden who even now protects and enables those blessed to be in His flock.