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Sermon Title: The Suffering Servant King; John 19:1-6

"Grappling with the compelling image of the scourging and mocking of God Incarnate!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 05/31/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 05/31/2020. After a failed attempt to release Jesus as innocent, Pilate turns Him over to his soldiers to be flogged and mocked. His plan is apparently to make Jesus look so ridiculous that no one would believe He was a King. We will analyze how satan continues to use this tactic today to undermine the Gospel. But mainly, we will grapple with the fact that the bound, battered and bloody man Pilate presents to the Jews is indeed the incarnation of the Sovereign, Creator God and the very image of human perfection! We will ask both believers and unbelievers if they continue to scourge and mock Jesus even today in their doctrine, lifestyle and worship (or lack thereof!). And ultimately we will ask the eternal and very personal question: "How will you respond to the compelling image of Jesus as the Suffering Servant King?"