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Sermon Title: The Paradox of

"Grappling with the relationship between injustice and God\'s Providence."

Recorded on: Sunday, 06/07/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 06/07/2020. As Jesus' Roman trial continues, the tension between Pilate and the Jews reaches a boiling point. Pilate's attempts to let Jesus go have met with stubborn resistance, while the Jewish leaders have failed to secure Jesus' crucifixion with their accusations of sedition against Rome. In order to break the stalemate, the Jews reveal the real reason they want Jesus dead-- His claim to be the Son of God. This spooks the superstitious Pilate who interviews Jesus one last time to determine who He is. When Pilate boastfully expresses his perceived authority, Jesus bluntly confronts him with the reality of the sovereign Providence of God-- even in the face of the gross injustice being done. We will analyze the Jews' accusation, the confrontation between Pilate's "will" and God's sovereignty, and the nature of the injustice being committed. Ultimately we will confront the burning question of the paradox of "Providential injustice", and find that the two greatest injustices of human history were both God-ordained!