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Sermon Title: The King of Golgotha; John 19:16-22

"Understanding the glory and exaltation of the King who \"rules the world from the tree\"!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 06/28/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 06/28/2020. One of the most poignant and puzzling images of the Gospel narrative is that of Jesus hanging on the Cross with a placard above His head that reads: "King of the Jews". This is a paradox that is impossible for the unbeliever to grasp and difficult for many Christians. In this message we will explore the reasons it can truthfully be said that Jesus "rules the world from this tree!". We will try to understand how such an ignoble and horrific event as the Crucifixion actually exalts and brings glory to our Lord as the ultimate Prophet, Priest and King. We will discover that this powerful image represents the fullest expression of the Gospel-- both of God's fathomless love and grace, and the graphic warning of how He deals with sin. The ultimate objective of this message is that all who hear, see or read it will bend their own knees in praise, adoration, worship and exaltation of the glorious King of Golgotha!