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Sermon Title: The King of Gabbatha; John 19:12-16

"Celebrating Jesus as the King of pain, scorn, shame, sacrifice-- and glory!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 06/21/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 06/21/2020. As Jesus' Roman trial draws to a close, Pilate makes one last attempt to free Jesus by presenting Him to the Jews and declaring "Ecce Rex", or "Behold your King". Though Pilate probably means this sarcastically, he has no idea how profound His proclamation is. The place where this judgment is made and the sentence of death declared was called "Gabbatha". We will use this title to symbolically represent the powerful imagery created by John of Jesus-- bound, battered, bloody and bruised, yet presented as our Savior and King. We will not turn our eyes from this pitiful sight, but gaze fully on His pain, His scorn, His shame, and His sacrifice as we reach a crucial understanding of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Ultimately we will exalt Him, recognizing the glory in His humiliation, and give Him the love, adoration and thanksgiving due the King of Gabbatha!