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Sermon Title: View From the Throne; John 19:23-27

"A poignant look at the world and the church from the perspective of the Throne of the Cross!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 07/05/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 07/05/2020. As John continues to unveil his Crucifixion narrative, he provides us with two sharply contrasting details. He tells us first how the soldiers divided and gambled over Jesus' clothes-- something all four Gospels carry. And then a tender word from the Cross that only John carries-- to two of those He deeply loved, His mother Mary and John the Apostle. We will unpack the text and ask ourselves why these two events are side-by-side. We will remember that even though it is hard for many to understand, Christ indeed reigns supreme from the tree. We will find symbolism in His sovereign rule, the wickedness of the world that surrounds the Cross, and this tiny group of believers in its midst. With that in mind we will ultimately ask and try to answer the question-- "what is the view from the throne?"