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Sermon Title: The Empty Tomb; John 20:1-10

"Re-emphasizing the central importance of the Resurrection to the preaching, teaching and evangelism of the church."

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/02/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 08/02/2020. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead was the central message of the early church, but today we expect to hear sermons on it only on Easter Sunday morning. The empty tomb was the central thrust of the teaching, the evangelism, and the preaching of the Apostles, and yet we rarely mention it in our Gospel presentations. In this message, after analyzing the text of the Resurrection story in John, we will discuss why the empty tomb was so necessary for Christianity and use John's own progression to faith to emphasize the importance of "seeing and believing" the Resurrection. Ultimately we will realize the Resurrection is the brilliant light that either attracts or repels those who hear of it, and as a result, return our focus to the importance of the Empty Tomb in our teaching, preaching, evangelism and missions!