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Sermon Title: Dispelling Disbelief; John 20:24-29

"Learning from the way Jesus turns Thomas\' disbelief into a glorious confession of His Divinity."

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/23/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 08/23/2020. We come to the fourth and final story in John's Resurrection narrative chronicling the way the disciples and Mary came to true belief in the Resurrected Lord-- the famous story of "doubting Thomas". We will look closely into what John has told us about Thomas and glean as much as we can concerning his character and relationship with Christ. This will help us understand some of the lessons hidden in his interaction with Jesus. We will notice the reasons for his disbelief and then notice carefully how Jesus turns that disbelief into one of the most powerful and profound confessions of the divinity of Christ in Scripture. Ultimately we will apply these lessons to ourselves, as we honestly and transparently learn the Scripturally-based secret of dispelling our own disbeliefs.