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Sermon Title: The Thread of Glory; John 20:30-31

"Following John\'s exalted view of Christ from one end of his Gospel to the other."

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/30/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 08/30/2020. Immediately after one of the clearest Christological confessions in Scripture ("My Lord and my God"), John summarizes the underlying goal and purpose for his book-- that those who read it will attain eternal life by believing wholly in the Resurrected Jesus Christ. Although many people see this as the climax of John's Gospel, we will expand on that assumption by tracing the themes stated in our text through the entire book to the very opening words of the Gospel. As we conduct our own summary of John's purpose, we will find he exhibits both the heart of an evangelist (bringing salvation to unbelievers), and the heart of a pastor (bringing sanctification, strength and comfort to believers). Ultimately we will thrill to the way John exalts Jesus as both Savior and Lord by following his thread of glory from one end of his Gospel to the other.