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Sermon Title: Compassionate Shepherding; John 21:15-17

"Jesus\' profound commission to Peter and the church to radically and compassionately shepherd His flock."

Recorded on: Sunday, 09/20/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 09/20/2020. After the disciples' ill-fated fishing expedition, the subsequent miraculous catch, and the breakfast of renewal Jesus served on the beach-- John's attention turns to an extraordinary conversation between Jesus and Peter. Three times Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, three times Peter responds in the affirmative, and three times Jesus charges Peter to shepherd His sheep. Appropriately, we will study this passage from three perspectives: as an important symbol of Peter's forgiveness and restoration; as a delightful explosion of synonyms adding richness to John's text; and as the commission to Peter and the church to nurture, disciple, and shepherd the flock of Christ. It is this third perspective we will emphasize, especially the compassion that Jesus is instilling in Peter to love those He loves and to radically dedicate his life to their spiritual enrichment. Ultimately, we will learn the crucial lesson that evangelism alone (the fishing expedition) is not enough to sustain the church of Jesus Christ through the ages-- what is needed is an army of truly compassionate shepherds!