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Sermon Title: Living And Dying in Christlikeness; John 21:18-19

"Learning to reflect the example of Jesus in the way we live and ultimately in the way we die."

Recorded on: Sunday, 10/04/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 10/04/2020. After Jesus commissions Peter to compassionately shepherd His flock, He enigmatically reveals the way Peter will die. But regardless of the consequences, He instructs Peter in the end to "follow Him". When taken in the context of the rest of this closing chapter to John's Gospel, Jesus is mapping out for Peter a life of radical discipleship and a gruesome death by crucifixion that will reflect His own. And yet, with this sword dangling over his head, Peter will spend the next 30 years joyfully spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom and establishing the foundation of the church of Jesus Christ. We will analyze Peter's "coming of age" and how it deeply impacted the quality and intensity of His Apostolic ministry, as well as how church history tells us this prophecy was fulfilled. Ultimately we will apply this call to radical discipleship to ourselves and discover what it means to live and die in Christlikeness.