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Sermon Title: Overcoming Spiritual Distractions; John 21:20-23

"Learning to identify and avoid distractions that divert us from following Jesus."

Recorded on: Sunday, 10/11/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 10/11/2020. John brings the action of his Gospel to a close with the culmination of the discussion of Peter's calling. Jesus has just commissioned Peter to shepherd His flock and revealed the grizzly way he will die-- thereby commanding Peter to follow Him in life and in death. Rather than keeping his focus on this dramatic calling, Peter's mind immediately strays and is distracted by his curiosity over what will happen to John. Jesus rebukes Peter and repeats even more emphatically that in the years to come Peter's focus must remain fixed on Him. We will analyze why Peter gets distracted and then apply the lessons he is being taught to ourselves. Ultimately we will realize the importance of following Jesus to the exclusion of all other endeavors as we learn to identify and overcome spiritual distractions.