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Sermon Title: Weaving the Kingdom Tapestry; John 21:24

"Discovering that the key to unity in the church is found in individual disciples obediently following Jesus."

Recorded on: Sunday, 10/25/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 10/25/2020. One of the last thoughts John expresses in his Gospel is that he was an eye witness to the ministry, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ and therefore his written testimony is true. In doing so, John in a sense answers Peter's earlier question ("What about this man?") by revealing his own calling. After comparing the vastly different personalities and gifts of these two Apostles, and their powerful ministry together; we will discuss how Jesus weaves people together from all walks of life into one marvelous tapestry that is His church. We will discuss how this is possible in a world with so many cultures, races, ethnicities and people-groups. Ultimately we will find the answer in the centrality of each individual obediently following Jesus-- as the Great Weaver day by day weaves together the multi-colored, but beautifully harmonious tapestry of the Kingdom.