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Sermon Title: Soli Deo Gloria!; John 21:25

"Celebrating John\'s exalted view of Christ."

Recorded on: Sunday, 11/01/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 11/01/2020. John brings his Gospel to a close with what seems like a "delightful hyperbole" as he exclaims that the whole world could not hold the written record of the works of Jesus. We will question this common interpretation and find that perhaps John was making a more expansive statement about the very nature of the Christ he has spent his Gospel revealing. In fact, we will interpret this final verse as a literary springboard that catapults us back to the Prologue and then into the rest of the Gospel. Using the Reformed concepts known as the "Five Solas" as our framework, we will revisit and celebrate his exalted Christology. Ultimately, we will find that not only would the whole world not hold the books that could be written about the Logos who became flesh-- the whole universe would not be enough! In the end, we will gaze in awe upon the glory of Christ and find that the only words that truly express our thoughts are-- "Soli Deo Gloria!"