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Sermon Title: A Thanks Giving Message; Isa. 51:1-3

"Learning to give thanks to the Comforter of Zion."

Recorded on: Thursday, 11/26/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 11/26/2020. As Isaiah builds towards the climax of his Messianic Servant Songs, he delivers a message of hope and comfort to the greatly diminished and discouraged people of God, awaiting the end of their exile in Babylon. We will look at just the first three verses of this chapter in which Isaiah exhorts his readers to listen to the Lord and return to their roots. But of particular interest to us will be the two ideas of thanks giving that are encapsulated in the third verse. We will see that the biblical notion of thanksgiving goes well beyond the mere articulation of gratitude, to a true "giving" of "thanks" in the form of sacrifices and praise. We will put these Old Testament truths in a New Testament context as we learn the secret of truly "giving" thanks to the Lord-- not just on Thanksgiving, but the rest of the year as well.