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Sermon Title: Wrapped in God's Covenantal Grace; Exodus 12:12-13

"Celebrating God\'s Providence as it is accomplished through the Covenant of Grace."

Recorded on: Sunday, 11/15/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 11/15/2020. What is the connection between a promise God made to an aging bedouin man over 4,000 years ago, your current trials in life, and John's vision of a glorious, triumphant church worshiping God as so many stars shining in His heaven for eternity? In a word-- everything! (That is, if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ!) As a continuation of the story of Joseph and Israel's family, and how they went from 70 starving goat herders to a mighty nation of worshipers, we will begin a discussion of Moses and the Exodus-- at least as far as the Passover. But in preparation for taking the Lord's Supper, we will concentrate on the meaning of the Passover, the covenant that it was a sacrament of, and how that covenant effects all who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We will find that because of God's covenant with Abraham, regardless of what swirls around us in this life, our destination as the glorified saints of heaven is the surest thing in life-- for those who are wrapped in God's Covenantal Grace.