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Sermon Title: Called For Such a Time As This; Esther 4:14

"Learning to rise to our calling and break the silence, in \"such a time as this\"."

Recorded on: Sunday, 02/23/2020 at 10:00 AM

Click here to view the YouTube Stream


Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 02/23/2020. In this "Mission-report-back-Sunday" message, we will turn to the book of Esther to illuminate some of the lessons learned from a recent team trip to Haiti. Just as Esther finds her whole life has prepared her for her dangerous mission of approaching the king of Persia in order to save her people, we will consider that all true disciples of Christ are also under a calling to realize their Providential place in the Kingdom. And just as Esther could not remain silent, we will find that Christ has called us to action in His Kingdom. We must therefore boldly accept His calling and "break the silence" to accomplish our calling as worshipers and Kingdom-builders-- in "such a time as this".