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Sermon Title: The Full-Orbed Gospel; Luke 7:29-35

"Exploring the dynamic between judgment and grace in the Gospel."

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/07/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 8/7/2022. Having answered the question from the disciples of John the Baptist concerning whether He was the "One to come", Jesus turned to the crowd where He was preaching and firmly established His preeminent place in Redemptive history. After a short commentary chronicling the people's reaction to John's teaching, Jesus launches into a scathing discussion of the fickle nature of those rejecting Him. Like pouting children playing games in the marketplace, they have resisted both John's emphasis on judgment and His own emphasis on grace. We will analyze the dynamic between these two aspects of the Gospel and realize that both are essential if our teaching is to remain true to Scripture. Ultimately we will discuss the dangers of following a modified Gospel and that only the full-orbed Gospel truly "justifies wisdom's children"!