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Sermon Title: If You Had God's Eyes...; Luke 7:39-47

"Considering the futility of self-redeeming religiosity-- as seen through the eyes of God."

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/21/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 8/21/2022. In this message we continue with the story of the woman of ill-repute and her heartfelt worship of Jesus at the house of Simon the Pharisee. When the Pharisee's thoughts betray the shallowness of his heart, Jesus responds with a scathing commentary on the distinction between the two. We will analyze this distinction and boil it down to the difference between self-righteous, autonomous, religiosity and true contrition and repentance. In doing so, we will establish the importance of divine forgiveness for sins as the prerequisite to a radically changed heart capable of truly loving God. The supreme importance of this will be emphasized by trying to look at ourselves and the world around us through God's eyes rather than our own-- at least to the degree that His "eyes" have been revealed to us in Scripture. Ultimately we will realize how important God's sovereign plan of redemption is to Him; and that it would be equally important to us and indeed govern our existence-- if we only had God's eyes!