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Sermon Title: Sowers of the Seed; Luke 8:4-8

"Exploring the parable of the four soils from the perspective of the Sower."

Recorded on: Sunday, 09/11/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 9/11/2022. After Jesus launches His second preaching tour in Galilee, Luke positions the familiar parable of the "Four Soils" right at the beginning to illustrate the eschatological scope of Jesus' preaching ministry. In this message we will approach the parable from the perspective of the Sower and concentrate on the way Jesus is revealing His infallible "battle plan" to establish the Kingdom of God in a darkened world. We will attempt to literally "put ourselves in the sandals of the sower", in order to realize the nuances of this well-known and therefore well-preached parable. We will use the metaphor of "sustainable farming" to realize this plan was designed to replicate itself, year after year, and generation after generation. Ultimately we will understand that as Christians we are not only planted as spiritual seeds by the Heavenly Sower, but as we grow and bear fruit in this "sustainable Kingdom", we become the sowers of the Seed until our Lord returns for the final harvest.