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Sermon Title: The Sower's Objective; Luke 8:11-15

"Learning to overcome impediments to the primary objective of the Sower-- to bear Kingdom fruit."

Recorded on: Sunday, 09/25/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 9/25/2022. Jesus wraps up His epic parable of the Sower by revealing privately to His disciples what the parable means. Before explaining how the various soils relate to the condition of people's souls, He establishes the central element of the parable-- the sowing of the Word of God, and in particular the Gospel. We will analyze each of these soil-types and how they relate to the work of redemption. But as we do, we will ask ourselves who Jesus is teaching this parable to. If indeed three out of the four soils do not have ears to hear, then what is the message to those who do? We will interpret this parable not only as a statement of truth concerning God's sovereignty in redemption, but also as a warning to the church. A warning that the field (the world) is full of pitfalls, enemies and behaviors (both outside and inside the church!) that will inevitably corrupt and impede the spreading of the Gospel. Ultimately, those with ears to hear will learn and establish their place in the Sower's objective-- to bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.