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Sermon Title: Meditations From the Elders, 10/2/2022; Galatians 1:6-9, Rev. 5:14

"Meditations from the Elders of New Hope Community Church."

Recorded on: Sunday, 10/02/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 10/02/2022. Once again the Elders of New Hope Community Church step to the pulpit while Pastor Kirby is away. In this morning's service Elder Freddy Montilla will first bring a meditation on Paul's warning to the churches of Galatia of the devastating impact false teachers and false prophets have on the church. Afterwards, Elder Byron Cox will continue his meditations on worship and hymnody with a focus on the singing part of the worship service. His text will be all of Rev. 5, and especially Rev. 5:14 with a concentration on the Greek word "Proskuneo". We know you will be blessed by their insights and dedication to the Word of God.