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Sermon Title: Get Thee Out!; Gen. 12:1

"Learning from the call of Abraham what it means to be a people "set apart"."

Recorded on: Sunday, 10/16/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 10/16/2022. In many ways God's call to Abram to leave his home and kindred and blindly follow Him to a land of promise, is a graphic illustration of the Gospel and how the Holy Spirit calls His beloved out of the darkness of a fallen world. God called Abram and his descendants to be a people "set apart" for His own use, and foundational in His ultimate plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. In the same way, the church of today and indeed every Christian is called to be set apart from the fallen world we live in, seeking spiritual purity as a people for God's own purpose and reflecting His holiness. But is this the reality we see today in the church at large? In our own church? In ourselves? With this in mind, we will analyze the nature of Abram's call and the completeness of his response, and compare it to our own. Ultimately we will realize that when our Lord tells His church to separate itself from the world, He doesn't mean to bring cherished vices and idols along with us. In other words, "Get thee out" means just that-- "Get Thee Out!"