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Sermon Title: When Light is the Aggressor; Luke 8:26-33

"Analyzing the violent reaction of the darkness when confronted with the Light of the Gospel."

Recorded on: Sunday, 11/20/2022 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 11/20/2022. After clearly revealing His Deity by commanding the wind and the waves to be still, Jesus leads His disciples to a frightening confrontation with evil "on the other side". As soon as they step foot on land, a demon possessed man rushes from the tombs to terrorize them. But when the demons recognize Jesus as the Son of God, they fall at His feet and effectively beg for mercy. What an extraordinary scene! We will analyze the demoniac's pathetic situation and how Jesus casts out the demons, cleanses the man, and releases him from the bondage of evil-- a beautiful image of salvation. But primarily we will look at this entire venture as the enactment of the battle plan of the Kingdom of Light, and the violent reaction of the darkness when confronted with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will realize that in this situation, as in the missionary outreach of the church, the Light is the aggressor-- proactively pervading the darkness to chase it away and set the captives free!