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Sermon Title: The Apostling Dynamic; Luke 9:12-17

"Analyzing the dynamic between Jesus and His "apostlers" in the feeding of the five thousand."

Recorded on: Sunday, 01/15/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 01/15/2023. In one of the best known miracles in the Gospels, Jesus supernaturally multiples five loaves of bread and two fish to feed five-thousand men, (not including women and children). After establishing the importance of accepting this story for what it is: an historical, supernatural miracle; we will then view the event in a more figurative sense-- as a "living parable" that reveals the important relationship between Jesus and His apostles. Jesus is the miracle-working supernatural Son of God, who alone can transform the heart. But the apostles (or as we will refer to them-- the "apostlers") are commissioned to distribute that Bread to the masses in an orderly way. Once again, we see the Kingdom Strategy of evangelism clearly illustrated for us. After drawing profound lessons from the text concerning the nature of this work, we will turn our attention to the nature of Christ and the centrality of proclaiming the "de-naturalized" Jesus as the core element of the "apostling dynamic".