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Sermon Title: The Refulgent Shekinah of Christ; Luke 9:28-36

"Looking on in awe, with our mind's eye, at an earthly glimpse of the heavenly Jesus."

Recorded on: Sunday, 02/19/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 02/19/2023. We have before us, in our text for this lesson, one of the most important revelations of all Redemptive History. What is often called the Transfiguration of Jesus is a revelation of His divine nature and glory. We will analyze closely the meaning of this stunning revelation, as it relates to Jesus, to the two Old Testament "super-saints" who join Him, to the apostles who were there, and to the church today. Throughout this discussion, as much as is possible, our focus will remain on Jesus and His glory. But to try and describe this is a humanly impossible task, because mortal words cannot hope to describe the indescribable. Therefore we will turn to God's Words to do the describing and we will simply look on in awe as we consider the glorious and beautiful Refulgent Shekinah of Christ!