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Sermon Title: The Preeminent Glory of Christ; Luke 9:28-36

"Celebrating the preeminent importance of our Lord in God's eternal plan of Redemption."

Recorded on: Sunday, 02/26/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 2/26/2023. For the second week in a row we will consider the extraordinary event known as the Transfiguration of Christ. As we learned in the last message, the Transfiguration is one of the most important revelations of Redemptive History, as God "peels back the veil" of His Son's humanity to reveal the Refulgent Shekinah of His divinity. To help us understand the far-reaching significance of this scene, God enriched it by sending two heavenly visitors, Moses and Elijah, to emphasize Christ's preeminent importance in His plan of Redemption. We will ask ourselves "why" God would ordain this great revelation, why is it so important, and for whose benefit was it arranged? Ultimately we will realize that those who follow Jesus are both obligated and privileged to give their all for the Preeminent Glory of Christ.